My Wish for You

Thanks for looking! If you can cast spells, try and help me pleeease! Because I already ordered so many spells from different spell casters but no one really works. Even if I must admit that some of them help me a lot they never really solve my problem.

I need money I want to be rich. I want to help children in Africa, that is one of my dreams, like Angelina Jolie. I ordered a couple of money spells to win lottery or jackpot, and even if I won with some spells casters I never got more than 10 thousand dollars so I can not do anything with that. I need to win more, like a million or so, then I can think about having my own ONG

Since I was a child I was always concerned about poor people. Children that do or have a piece bread to eat, that the spent days without having a real meal while here we have it all, or almost. Because people like to complain but they do it to increase they money for their own lives not others life like me.

African children are being left further and further behind and will make up more than half of the world’s poor by 2030, this is what statistic says now.

Every child deserves a healthy start in life. We all agree with this thought but most of us do not do anything to help it. However, there are far too many starving children in Africa for whom hunger is a chronic pain.

Children who have severe acute malnutrition, the deadliest form of extreme hunger, can succumb to the disease in just a few days. We need to do something now! I am willing to give my life for them but I need money to help. I tried going to so many companies and talk to every business man I had the opportunity, but noone wanted to help me, they know it is sad but at the end they only take care of their own pocket… Malaria kills 3 thousand African children per day.

Diseases like aids are leaving kids orphaned and in charge of their households at very young ages. All children deserve to have a clean bed to sleep, food to eat and a good person taking care of them. An estimated 50 million orphans live there. This is so sad, I can´t help crying when I see their pictures. I feel every day that goes by is an opportunity of changing lives. I want to help them, My wish for you is to be happy, for all of you, and for all of us to have a better words, but we need to understand that to get a better world we need to work on it, to help each others people.

SO I believe God should finally hear me and help me to achieve this beautiful goal that will change so many lives. My wish for you is to have food to eat every day.

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