The Love Knot Spell

All you have to do to accomplish this piece of witchery is to possess yourself of a few hairs from the
head of the person you seek to influence. A hairbrush and comb is the most likely place to look for
these. People are apt to get suspicious, rightly so as it happens, if you smilingly produce a pair of
scissors and blithely purloin a lock of their hair.
Prepare your place of working as already indicated with pine-cones, ivy, evergreens, and horns. In
your thurible, burn one of the Cernunnos incenses suggested at the end of this half of the chapter; in
the chalice pour a few drops of red wine. On the floor, with the point of your Athame, trace around
the edges of a large equilateral triangle, big enough to contain yourself and the altar and allow you
plenty of room for movement. This should be marked out with white tape beforehand.

Begin the spell by chanting the following ancient invocation to the Horned One, starting in the east
and repeating it to each quarter, travelling clockwise.
As you do so, cense and anoint each side of the altar table with a dab of wine from the chalice. This in
effect is consecrating the triangle to the service of Cernunnos.
At the same time, try to visualize yourself as standing in a small clearing within a vast, dark forest.

The tops of the tree close far above you over your head, and through the green twilight you can hear
in the distance the trampling and occasional cry of a wild beast as it crashes through the undergrowth.
It seems to be approaching the clearing in the trees where you stand, drawing ever nearer each time
you face another quarter to repeat your invocation. Now you can even smell the rank goaty smell of
the beast! It is Cernunnos himself, the Horned One in his dark semianimal form with rearing antlers
and erect phallus, eyes burning like coals in the forest gloom. Finish your call to the north, and see
him vividly in your mind's eye standing in the east outside the perimeter of your charmed triangle.
You may visualize him as the classical god Pan, the Sabbatic goat or even as that figure of
Elizabethan romance, Robin Good-fellow, or Puck. These are all but faces worn by Cernunnos, god of the witches!
Invocation to the Horned One
Eko; Eko Azarak! Eko; Eko Zomelak!
Eko; Eko Cernunnos! Eko; Eko; Arada!
Bagabi lacha bachabe;
Lamac cahi achababa,
Lamac Lamac Bachalyas;
Cabahagy Sabalyas,
Lagoz atha Cabyolas;
Samahac atha femyolas,
Return to the east, and facing west across the altar, gather up the three pieces of twine and consecrate
them with incense and wine in the name of the Horned One. Then knot the ends of the twine and braid
them together, binding the hair into the plait as you do. Summon up the image of your victim in your
mind's eye as you do this, repeating this quaint jingle over and over:
Lord Cernunnos I ask of thee,
let [name] no pleasure, sleep, nor solace see,
till heart and loins be turned to me!
When the cord is woven, tie the free twine ends together forcefully with the words:
As my will, so mote it be!

No triple cross of sealing is necessary here since the tying action is forceful enough on its own.

the finished cord around the upper part of your thigh if you are a woman or around the genital organs
themselves if you are a man, tight enough not to slip, but not so tight as to restrict the circulation of
the blood. This would only be self-defeating. Wear this cord, or cingulum as we call it, for twentyeight
days, removing it only for showers or bathing.

Should no appreciable result have occurred by this time, you up the ante, so to speak, and set the seal
on the magic by performing this final part of the spell:
Prepare your place of working with a large floor triangle again and with the usual arrangements of
lamps, incense, and pinecones on the altar, making quite sure that the thurible contains a good
quantity of glowing charcoals. The chalice should be back again in the triangle, this time containing a
few drops of olive oil, red wine, honey, and your own blood or urine.
Then invoke Cernunnos at all four quarters as previously. Remove the cord and tie nine knots along it,
beginning with one at either end and working in pairs towards the centre, where you should place the final one. As you do this, repeat your charm with each knot:
Lord Cernunnos I ask of thee,
let [name] no pleasure, sleep, nor solace see,
till heart and loins be turned to me!
Finish on the last knot with "As my will, so mote it be!"
Having done this, dip the cord briefly in the chalice so that it picks up a few drops of the liquid, then
cast it, together with a few grains of your incense, onto the thurible coals, repeating these words with
all the intense conviction, not to say lust, you can manage:
Ure Spiritus Igne
Renes nostros et cor nostrum
Fiat, Fiat, Fiat!
The second half of the process reinforces the subtle effect of the first on the victim's deep mind, and
gives it a sharp reminder of what all the nudging has been about.
Incidentally, some malicious witches who take a delight, indeed pride themselves on such matters,
perform the Love Knot in reverse on pairs of lovers or married couples.

This operation is known in
the craft by the interesting French name Denoument des noeuds, or "loosing the marriage knots." It
has been practised through the centuries, and sixteenth-century theologians such as Del Rio, De
Lancre, and Bodin spoke frequently of it in their writings. It was one of the prevalent witch practices
which fanned the flames of hysteria in the public mind almost more than anything else leading to
popular endorsement of the great witch persecutions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

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